
Born in Munich,

1973 - 1980
Professional education to decorator and gilder, with the diploma of mastership, drawinglessions with Pit Brunke, studies of the tecnology of colours and paints.
1977 - 1979
Figuredrawing at the academy of fine Arts in Munich an collaboration in the paintigclass of Prof. McZimmermann.
From 1980 on
Stay in Italy.
1982 - 89
Studies of Painting and history of arts at the Accademia di belle Arti "Pietro Vannucci", Perugia, Italy;
„Grand Tour“, a three-month cultural trip trough Northafrica: Tunisia, Algeria, Mali and Ivory Coast;
Diploma for painting at the Accademia di belle Arti, "Pietro Vannucci", Perugia, Italy;
Co-founder of the art-association "TREBISONDA";
1989 - 91
Studies of sculptere at the Accademia di belle Arti, "Pietro Vannucci", Perugia, Italy;
1996 - 99
Artistic director and curator of Kunstverein Ebersberg, Deutschland;
Ideation und realisation of the „Gallery Alte Brennerei“ of the Kunstverein Ebersberg e.V.

Some of the art critics, curatores and journalists they wrote about Robert Lang or worked together with him: Bruno Corà, Giorgio Bonomi, Chiara Bertola, Aldo Iori, Sonia Zampini, Emidio de Albentis, Viviana Tessitore, Maurizio Coccia, Marinella Caputo, Marco Villani, Evelyn Vogl, Guido Maraspin, Andrea Baffoni, etc..

Exhibition directory

DIVERSO/INVERSO, Giù nel prato verde c´è un albero blu, Tracce di un progetto infinito, („DIFFERENT/REVERSE“, „Down in the green meadow is a blue tree ... Traces of an infinite project”), exhibition together with Andreas Pytlik, curated by Trebisonda with texts in the catalog by Davide Silvioli, catalog produced by Fabbri Editore, Perugia, Italy
-> Video
Geschichtsschachteln, (storyboxes), concept and curated by Reinhold Fiderer, Gallery Eulengasse, Frankfurt, Germany
Basic Neccesities, The queues disappeared from one moment to the next, Video, concept and curated by Galleria SpazioY, Rome, Italy
Geschichtsschachteln, (storyboxes), concept and curated by Reinhold Fiderer, Irmelshausen, Germany
Online Gallery Singulart, Boulevard du Montparnasse, Paris, France
Blackout, „Neue Gruppe“ in the Domagk-Ateliers, Halle 50, curated by Trisha Kanellopoulos, München, Deutschland
Naturalismo senza Natura, Storie Contemporanee, Visual Art and Sculpture, curated by Anna Cochetti, Rome, Italy
25° Edizione della Manifestazione degli incontri d'Arte Contemporanea al Majorana/MUDITAC, curated by Anna Cochetti, Rome, Italy
Bilder vom Wegesrand, solo exhibition in the gallery Freiraum16, Munich, Germany
Whiteout, Neue Gruppe in the Domagkateliers, Munich, Germany
Du bist Faust, in the occasion of the Faustfestival in Munich and the gallery Freiraum16, Munich, Germany
Manifesta12, curated by the Galerie SpazioY, in Palermo, Italy
Artists of the Gallery, gallery Freiraum16, Munich, Germany
Terra, Madre Terra, curated by Teresa Polidori and Arte Fuori Centro, with a text of Silvia Del Campo, in the occasion of the DNA Materacontemporanea and in the gallery Trebisonda-Arte Contemporanea, Matera and Perugia, Italy
10° ed. VIAGGIATORI sulla FLAMINIA Ibis redibis..., curated by Franco Troiani and Emanuele de Donno, in the Borgo Cerreto and the Palazzo Colicola, Spoleto, Italy
Das kleine Format, gallery Freiraum16, Munich, Germany
L´Istruttoria, organized and curated by Andrea Baffoni and Roberto Biselli, in the old weaving mill in Ponte Felcino, Perugia, Italy
Numero Uno, exhibition of the Trebisondagroupe in the gallery Freiraum16, Munich, Germany
Berlin-Pozzuolo-Perugia, curated by Andrea Baffoni and Mira Wunderer, in the Palazzo Moretti, Pozzuolo Umbro, Castiglione del Lago, Italy
The tower of Babel, curated by Mary Judge in the New Yorker gallery Schema Project, than in the Trebisonda Perugia, in Rome and the Givatayim City Gallery in Tel Aviv, Israel
La Leggerezza della Scultura, XI Edizione Verso L´Arte, curated by Giovanna Barbero, Carla Crosio and Studio10 - Turin, organized from the Istituto Nazionale d´Arte Contemporanea, at the art park, Cerrina Monferrato/Alessandria, Italy
Das kleine Format, gallery Freiraum16, Munich, Germany
L´Istruttoria II, curated by Andrea Baffoni and Francesca Duranti, in the gallery Freemocco, Deruta, Italy
AQUAE MUNDI, with Mauro Faletti,, Fukushi Ito, Matteo Mezzadri, and Robert Lang, organized and curated of Innerspace17, in the QC Terme Milano, Milan, Italy. SIMBIOSI: OpenArt tra natura e storia, installations, sculptures, drawings and paintings in the nature reserve Pietra Porciana, curated by Anna Cochetti, Siena, Italy
Wundertüten, art actions, sculptures and installations of Benedetta Galli, Lucilla Ragni, Danilo Fiorucci and Robert Lang, in the Gallery SpazioY, Rome, Italy
Porta Fortuna, gallery Varco, l´Aquila, Italy
ATLAS-NOVELLA-REVIVISCENZA, exhibition with Danilo Fiorucci, Robert Lang and Lucilla Ragni, curated by A. Trespi, in the gallery Haus 10, Fürstenfeldbruck/Munich, Germany
Opposto/Contrario HORTUS ARTIS, exhibition in the occasion of Altrocioccolato, curated by Giudo Maraspin, in the Palazzo Bufalini, Cittá di Castello, Italy
AQUAE MUNDI, with Mauro Faletti,, Fukushi Ito, Matteo Mezzadri, Walter Vallini, Tegi Canferi and Robert Lang, organized and curated of Innerspace17, in the QC Terme Torino, Turin, Italy
BACULUS, in the Palazzo Collicola Arti Visive, curated by Emanuele De Donno, Gianluca Marziani and Franco Troiani, in Spoleto, Italy
TREBISONDAZIONE, exhibition with Danilo Fiorucci, Robert Lang and Lucilla Ragni, curated by Giorgio Bonomi, in the gallery Scoglio di Quarto, Milan, Italy
TREBISONDA, presentation of the book Trebisonda, una storia contemporanea by Giorgio Bonomi, he curated also the exhibition in the gallery Centro Luigi di Sarro, with Danilo Fiorucci, Robert Lang and Lucilla Ragni, Rome, Italy
Urban Style, group exhibition, curated by Loredana Rea, in the gallery ArteFuoriCentro, Rome, Italy
Acque/Lex Eaux, group exhibition, curated by Virginia Ryan in the Italian Consulate in Abidjan, Ivory Coast
TRE VOCI, exhibition with Danilo Fiorucci, Robert Lang and Lucilla Ragni, curated by Giorgio Bonomi, in the fusion art gallery, Turin, Italy.  
Tour Grand, exhibition with Alessandra Baldoni, Danilo Fiorucci and Lucilla Ragni in the Galerie M, Potsdam, Germany
In Difesa della Natura, curated by Guido Maraspin, in the Palazzo della Corgna, Castiglione del Lago, Italy
Children meet Artists, an artproject 2010 at the primary school of Haar, in collaboration with Klaus von Gaffron and the BBK Munich
an educational and experimental year
Twenty years Trebisonda, a poster-action at the facade of the Trebisonda-Gallery, and in the whole citty of Perugia together with 38 artists from Italy, Germany, France, England, and the USA
- Participation at the Art Brandenburg, Potsdam, Germany
Gallerie in Mostra 2008, curated by Sonia Zampini, Marsciano, Italy
Rain Gallery, a curated exhibition by Sonia Zampini with umbrian artists in Bejing, China
Preludio, exhibition of the Trebisonda-groupe in the Museo Capitolare di San Lorenzo, in the Dome of Perugia, Italy
Il Teatro delle Meraviglie exhibition of the Trebisonda-groupe in the Vecchio Teatro, Cartoceto, Italy
- Curator of the exhibition of Tanja Hofmann on behalf of Kunstverein Ebersberg, and even the curator of the exhibitions of the artists Esther Zellmer, Annegret Hoch and Alexandra Deutsch
- Lectures on modern art
sotteranea, exhibition with italian and german artists in the Rocca Paolina, Perugia, Italy
Augenzeugen, together with Lucilla Ragni and Danilo Fiorucci in the gallery Alte Brennerei, Ebersberg, Germany
Promotion prize of boesner for Pittura Transvisionaria
La notte bianca, the first issue of the art magazin, Perugia, Italy
Von Festung zu Festung, Hochbunker, Cologne-Ehrenfeld, Germany
Testimoni oculari, in the gallery LeonardiVidea, Genoa, Italy
la soglia del visibile exhibition with works from the series Pittura Transvisionaria in the gallery Vanna Casati, Bergamo, Italy
Nona edizione d´arte contemporanea- arte - scienza di pace-muditak majorana, curated by Anna Cochetti, Rome, Italy
Viaggiatori sulla Flaminia, in the Palazzo Colicola, curated by Franco Troiani and Giuliano Macchia, Spoleto, Italy
Linea Umbra_01, Osservatorio Arte Giovane, Flash Art Museum, curated by Maurizio Coccia and Viviana Tessitore, under the direction of Flash Art International, Trevi, Italy
La soglia del visibile, exhibition with works from the series Pittura Transvisionaria in the Cassero Torre of Perugia, Italy
KunstVereint, Pittura Transvisionaria in the castle of Hartmannsberg, Bad Endorf/Rosenheim, Germany
Un viaggio nel diritto all´immagine organized from Wunderkammern, under the direction of Giorgio Bonomi, in the Pinacoteca nazionale, Foligno, Italy
The returning of the Manneken, exhibition in the Via del Cortone, Perugia, Italy
Odissea, installations (space-shapes and space-scans) in the gallery Trebisonda in Perugia, Italy
- Installations in the Kulturforum Wasserburg, Germany
Markant, exhibition with installations on the gender-topic of beeing man in the gallery Alte Brennerei of Kunstverein Ebersberg, Germany
Jurorenausstellung in the castle of Hirschbichl, Ebersberg near Munich, Germany
esaedro, Installations of the Trebisonda-groupe in the gallery Ganserhaus, AK 68, Wasserburg, Germany
Presenze, biennale exhibition in the Padiglioni Neri, curated by Giorgio Bonomi, Perugia, Italy
Kunstaktion im Klärwerk, 24 hour art-action in the sewage treatment plant of Markt Schwaben near Munich, Germany
Am - Bi - Ente, installations in the gallery Schleuse 16, Böblinger Kunstverein, Böblingen near Stuttgart, Germany
Haus 10, in the gallery of Haus10 in Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany
Assente-Presente, a mental sixpack, installations in the exhibition spaces of the TUFA, Trier, Germany
Sguardi Deviati, installations of the Trebisonda-groupe in the Palazzo della Penna, Perugia, Italy
Italian Paperwork I, paperworks in the Evergreen Galleries, Olympia/Seattle, USA
Italian Paperwork II, paperworks in the Rocca Paolina, Perugia, Italy
Exhibition with paintings in the gallery ArteSpazio10, Bologna, Italy
Animaterica and 22 affinitá centrifughe, installations in the Palazzo della Penna and in the Rocca Paolina, Perugia, Italy
IL principio d´ordine, videoperformance/installation, on the stage of Cavallo di Troia, Perugia, Italy
Tra bene e male, soloshow with paintings and installations in the gallery l´Officina, Perugia, Italy
Expo Bari, Bari, Italy
La durata di un istante, installationen with Danilo Fiorucci and Parisella Santificetur in the open church San Francesco al Prato, Perugia, Italy
I´m my own prisoneer, performance on the stage of the Cavallo di Troia, Perugia, Italy
Robert Lang jumps into spring and Looking 149 598 000 km into the distance is like watching an 8 minutes and 19 seconds old image, fotoperformances, Ramazzano, Italy
1986 - 89
Production and a worldwide distribution of 1000 Mannekens, this lasts until today